Officers of High 5 Enterprise

President- Willy Lin
Vice President of Human Resources- Jesse Yao
Vice President of Production- Jessica Sheen
Vice President of Marketing- Catherine Wang
Vice President of Finance- Jessica Wu
Vice President of Public Relations- Ginna Chen
Assistant Vice President of Finance- Terry Lin
Assistant Vice President of Public Relations- Isabella Chen
Assistant of Production- Annie Truong
Junior Achievement Teacher- Jean Chang
Consultant- Linda Sheen, Meiling Wu, and Stella Lin
Sponsor- Peter Hwang


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Guest Speaker November 6th

The guest speaker Ball Lee will be speaking to us next week taking place of the meeting planned (Saturday November 6th from 2-4 P.M.). Mr. Lee used to be a CEO at a big corporation and will be speaking to us on things relating to running a business. Everyone is invited to attend so you can bring whomever. Members are encouraged to make posters to put around the school so other kids can come too. Officers are required to do this. Thanks!

Meeting on Saturday,October 16

Today's meeting we discussed how to sell T-shirts effectively. Remember members it is imperative that we begin to sell now to expand our account so we can run the business prosperously. When selling a shirt have them sign the T-shirt order form that was passed out today and collect their money. Also, Jessica needs for everyone to pay their stocks. So be sure to bring them next meeting. Do not forget about the barbecue booth next week and go to your shift!!! Ginna will be in charge of the next meeting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meeting on Saturday, October 9th

Our meeting on last Saturday concluded that we are in fact selling the T-shirts for 13 dollars per shirt. All members and officers are required to sell 2 shirts but all are greatly encouraged to sell more. Selling more T-shirts gives you a larger paycheck at the end of the year so like a regular business, GO SELL!!! Also, for the next few meetings we will be creating merchandise for us to begin to sell. We desperately need these merchandise so we can sell our goods at Trade Fair in December. Therefore, come to meetings with an attitude to learn and create goods. Don't be disrespectful and talk when Mrs. Linda, Mrs. Stella, and Mrs Jean are talking. Pay attention and we will have a successful year!

"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship."
- John D. Rockefeller

Monday, October 4, 2010

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Saturday October the 9th. We will be discussing more ideas and create more products. Jessica Wu will be in charge of the meeting. Thanks!